Children's National Health System published a recent research report conducted by an academic medical center. This research result has concluded that male fertility preservation may be possible through cryopreservation of testicular tissue. This is hope for male patients who have undergone medical procedures which increase the risk of loss of fertility.
Michael Hsieh, director of transitional urology at Children's National reported that a research team leading by Jeff Dome committed to thinking of the whole patient group as well as patients who have persistent fertility issue for a long time.
According to the present medical scenario, young men have a higher risk to develop infertility due to medical treatment received for different underlying diseases, including blood disorder or cancer. This outlook has drawn because of only from the USA, two thousand boys and young men are facing infertility risk each year.
After puberty, male individuals can opt sperm banking option for preserving their fertility before undergoing exposure to chemotherapy or radiation therapy, which can damage their fertility. But there is a very limited scope to preserve fertility for younger boys. Even sperm baking my not possible option for some young men or older adolescents as their too sick health condition does not allow to do so. Researchers anticipated freezing testicular tissue may help to generate sperm in the future by applying prospective cell- or tissue-based therapies.
Depending upon this assumption, researchers have designed an experimental model, which indicates collected testicular tissue by biopsy method has the potential to generate sperm from stem cells, blank slate cells present in this biopsied tissue. This novel medical research illustrates that it may be possible to recover progenitor spermatogonia and stem cells from the testicular biopsied tissue of patients. But it is obvious that the collection of this testicular biopsied tissue should be conducted at the initial stage of the treatment commencement or before patient receiving a harmful dose of chemotherapy or radiation therapy. This precautionary measure is important to intact the testicular tissue structure.
This research is at a very early stage. Detail research needs to conduct to estimate the actual treatment outcome as well as the long term side effect. Presently, patient recruitment is a very important step to continue this research for large scale. Medical institute authority encourages patients and their parents to talk with the research team to know the study goals. However, researchers also work on appropriate freezing and thawing process for successful restoration of testicular tissue. Ongoing research work was conducted to separate out the malignant cells from normal cells.
Researchers are optimistic about this research study. They have a hope that this research success can help cancer or blood disorder affected boy child to get his biological children and have his own family in the future. Therefore, parents should aware of this research benefit and motivate to participate in the research to help the future generation.
The progression of this research result reported that researchers collected and cryopreserved testicular tissue from the USA and Israel patient during the period of 2011 to 2018. The age group of the patients lies between 5 months old to 34 years old. Researchers used a 25% sample for the research study. The remaining 75% kept in liquid nitrogen at temperatures close to absolute zero for the patient's future use.
The researchers have observed that the steady growth of undifferentiated spermatogonia per seminiferous tubule up to the age of 11 years, then this growth rate raise up sharply. Researchers recommended patients to preserve their testicular tissue before commencing the chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Researchers already made the success to recover undifferentiated spermatogonia from the testicular tissue.