Embryo transfer is the most crucial as well as difficult step in IVF treatment procedure. Embryo transfer has a direct link to the success of fertility treatment. This is important to know what to do before, during, and after the embryo transfer to increase the chance of live birth. Following are some fact-based tips for making successful embryo transfer.
Seek for most experience expert
It is very important to take advise and treatment from a senior and experienced doctor. He/she will be the primary person who mainly takes responsibility to carry the IVF cycle and give the best possible treatment depending upon the individual requirement of the patient to fulfill the patient's desire. Experience in this field is very important, as the skill and steady hand can always give extra which cannot expect only from technological advancement.
Mock transfer
Before embryo transfer conduction a mock event can be done to re-evaluate the condition of the uterine cavity, identify any barrier present which may block the embryo entrance, the requirement of the alternative catheter to smooth run the actual procedure. Knowing these condition helps the team to arrange all the necessary measures before the actual embryo transfer procedure. The benefit of mock transfer can help to avoid unnecessary delay and possibly more organized, quick, and easy way to run the actual embryo transfer procedure.
Examine the presence of hydrosalpinx
Hydrosalpinx is a fluid may present in one or both fallopian tubes due to the previous medical history of endometriosis or sexually-transmitted disease. Normal pregnancy cannot be possible in the presence of this fluid. Hydrosalpinx also hurts IVF treatment. Leakage of this fluid into the uterus can interfere with the uterine lining and destroy the transferred embryo. Therefore, it is necessary to perform hysterosalpingogram (HSG) before embryo transfer, rather at the initial stage of IVF treatment. In case of a positive result, proper treatment can repair the uterine lining before transferring the embryo in IVF cycle.
Through medical tests
Know the detailed procedure and previous patient's review before selecting the IVF clinic for starting the fertility treatment. Some clinics skimp the most essential pre-treatment through medical tests. Medical investigation for hormone profile (such as FSH, AMH, ) is very important for patients who are using their eggs for IVF treatment. Also, transvaginal ovarian scan, fallopian tube condition, mid-cycle of the uterus, as well as semen analysis of male partner are some vital tests need to conduct before embryo transfer. Patients, those opt for donor egg, for them, hormone profiling is not required but must do the measurement of uterine lining thickness by checking through a transvaginal scan on day 13 or 14 and semen analysis.
Multivitamin supplements
The folic acid supplement is one of the common recommendation by the gynecologist before and during the pregnancy to avoid birth defect risk. IVF experts usually recommended a multivitamin supplement with some essential mineral from the day one to at least three months before embryo transfer to promote the healthy birth of neonates. Apart from folic acid, vitamin D, vitamin B complex, calcium, iron are some of the supplement often recommended in both normal pregnancy and IVF treatment.
More than one embryo transfer
In most of the IVF, experts advise on the single transfer of the embryo to obtain the best result. But this may not be good for every case. Although the conventional method suggested transferring a single embryo, women with more than 40 years of age, recent research finding supported that instead of a single embryo, two embryo transfer gives a better result. If the patient avoids the risk of multiple births, preterm delivery and pre-eclampsia due to more than one embryo transfer, then it is always a better alternative to cryopreserve the embryos for future use, especially in case of unsuccessful first transfer.
Complete bed rest not require
It is common, most of the women after embryo transfer take complete bed rest. But instead of taking bed rest stay upright position and should follow complete physical and mental relaxation. Alcohol, postprandial coffee should be cut from the daily diet. The patient can take a stroll around the park the next day, but avoid to perform strenuous exercise, trampolining, heavy lifting, etc. A hot bath is also not recommended after embryo transfer.
Avoid coughing and sneezing
Discuss with experts if the patient has a cold and cough before embryo transfer because coughing and sneezing are not allowed during the embryo transfer procedure. Coughing and sneezing directly not affect the implantation chance, but in case of a catheter inserted into the uterine cavity during the implantation, then forceful sneezing and coughing increase the risk of miscarriage.
Be happy and cheerful
The mental state of the patient should be stress-free and happy and cheerful before, during and after embryo transfer. Scientific study also reported low-stress level increase the possibility of embryo implantation in the IVF treatment. Therefore, enjoy jokes book or clown show before, and after embryo transfer.
Keep body healthy
Prepare yourself for embryo implantation by keeping yourself healthy. The patient should be responsible enough to take care of her health by doing the moderate intensity of exercise, avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and smoking. Avoid work stress and control adrenaline secretion.