In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a hope to fight against all fertility odds. If fertility experts recommended IVF treatment, then it is usually a mixed reaction for the patient. Patients usually feel nervous and excited. In the fertility treatment, IVF is considered as gold standard. Patients have to follow all the medical instructions for successful IVF cycles. Recently, some complementary treatments are recommended to boost IVF and increases the scope of getting pregnant through IVF. Following are some complementary medicines using as adjuvant therapy in IVF cycles to maximize success rate.
There are many practical implications give the evidence that doing acupuncture helps to conceive. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical therapy involves fine needles insertion through the skin to treat different physical and psychological ailments. This is not a painful therapy, rather provides relaxation and calmness. Acupuncture also plays an important medical role to treat infertility. Acupuncture stimulates blood flow into ovarian and uterine muscles, uterine muscles relaxed and uterus receptivity increases. Acupuncture also acts as a stress reliever.
The clinical trial also reported conduction of acupuncture before and after embryo transfer during IVF cycle increases the success rate. Some IVF clinics include acupuncture therapy in IVF package and suggest patients have acupuncture therapy pre and post embryo implantation. Some patients who aware of the benefit of acupuncture, they also ask fertility doctors about the treatment course of this complementary therapy. Moreover, acupuncture reduces the incidence of repetitive miscarriage and pregnancy symptoms like nausea and vomiting tendency at the early trimester.
Herbal therapy
Herbal therapy is one of the most promising natural therapy to improve fertility outcome. In our traditional medicinal system, many herbs are recommended for balancing hormones and improve fertility. However, certain herbs give a detrimental effect on pregnancy. Therefore, the patient should ask her fertility experts before taking any herbal remedy. It is very important to check the authenticity of the medications before taking any herbal remedy.
Nutritional Supplements
Some nutritional supplements boost fertility are as follows:
Both of these nutritional supplements act as energy boosters for oocytes (eggs) and helps in normal chromosomal separation and also improve egg quality.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is essential for protection against miscarriage and generally improves fertility. Sunshine is a natural source of Vitamin D. But lack of time often we missed exposure to morning sunshine (rich in vitamin D). Therefore, nowadays, vitamin D deficiency is a common problem for every individual. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation in combination with calcium often needed during the conception period.
DHEA is a naturally produced in our body, but with increasing age DHEA deficiency is found in women. DHEA helps to improve estrogen and testosterone balance. DHEA supplements help to improve ovarian reserve and improve IVF outcome. Fertility experts usually recommended the dose and duration of the supplement treatment.
Folic Acid
Folic acid supports neuronal growth of the offspring. The usual recommended dose is 0.4mg per day. But this dose may vary from patient to patient, especially for women who have a family history of neural tube defects or taking anti-convulsion medication. Usually, three months prior to starting IVF cycle folic acid supplementation helps to improve blood level to support a pregnancy.
Diet and lifestyle
Balance diet and a healthy lifestyle are strictly required to follow for IVF cycle. Some fertility yoga is recommended for women prior to and during the IVF cycle to improve fertility. In addition, Green shakes, pineapples, omega-3 fatty acid rich foods, avocado are very beneficial food items, which need to add in daily diet prior to and during the IVF cycle.
Caffeine intake reduction
Excessive caffeine hampers fertility. Experts recommended 200 mg caffeine is the maximum limit for a day. Therefore, fertility experts advice reduce caffeine intake prior to and during the IVF cycle.
Reduce toxic load
Some addiction habits such as smoking, regular alcohol consumptions increase the risk of teratogenicity (defective embryo formation) and also reduce the scope of conception. Therefore, smoking and consumption of alcohol are restricted prior to and during the IVF cycle.
Avoid to exposure of toxic substances like phthalates or BPA (Bisphenol A) while you are planning for conceiving. These toxic substances are usually present in adulterated makeup items. Use branded cosmetic skin care products. BPA is usually found in tap water. Therefore, carry your own water during pregnancy in a safe container. Exposure to BPA leads to cancer and subsequently challenges fertility.
Laughing therapy
Laughing therapy is a natural way to increase IVF success by increase pregnancy rates after embryo transfers. A trial report showed that presenting clown show after embryo transfers increase pregnancy rate. Therefore, experts often recommended be happy during the IVF cycle, watch the light, distressing shows, and funny videos or movies to laugh more after embryo transfers in the IVF cycle.
All the above mentioned complementary therapies can boost IVF success rate. But it is always better to communicate with both fertility clinician and complementary medicine practitioner, because the right combination can only help, whereas any miscommunication can increase the risk of IVF cycle failure.