Myth and Reality about IVF and Egg donation

'Behind every myth lies truth' - is a very common proverb. Misconception develops by believing myths without searching for the truth. IVF and egg donations are not the latest inventions in medical science. But myths about these technologies which had started at the time of invention remain. These can cause an obstacle of acceptance among those who require or serve these services. Some of such myths and their reality are disclosed in this article to improve the treatment outcome of these assisted reproductive technologies.

ivf and egg donation myths

Myth and Reality about IVF

Only rich and famous personalities can opt IVF 

At the time of invention, around 1977, the economic condition of the general population may not bear the financial load of IVF treatment and IVF treatment facility restricted within a rich community at that time. But currently, the global economic condition has changed tremendously. Besides, in comparison with other medical or surgical interventions, the cost fluctuation does not much different in the IVF process. Therefore, nowadays, the general population can also avail of IVF treatment.

Young couples only get benefit from IVF 

Maternal age is undoubtedly a considerable factor for all fertility treatments including IVF. But with the advancement of technology, IVF on collaboration with egg donation service or cryopreservation option provide promising result among aged women also. It has found that egg collected from a young woman is then fertilized and transfer the embryo to the intended mother often give better result than eggs collected from aged mother. Even women who have planned to start their family late can cryopreserve their eggs at a young age for future use. But definitely, the success rate of treatment outcome is higher among young couples.

IVF results in multiple pregnancies

Previously, it had a trend to transfer more than one embryo to increase the chance of successful pregnancy after IVF cycle. Resultant of which often cause multiple pregnancies. But current development of reproductive technology offers a single embryo transfer option through the best possible embryo selection process. Thus the chances of multiple pregnancy and related complications become least.

Long hospital admission requires in IVF

The clinical procedures involved in egg collection and embryo transfer require few hours and usually done on an outpatient basis. Therefore, in normal cases, IVF does not require long-term hospitalization to conduct the cycle.

IVF proceeds cesarean births   

The vaginal birth is possible and has an equal chance as cesarean births after IVF treatment. Usually, this decision depends upon patient parties, as well as doctor decisions depending upon the individual patient's condition.

Myths and reality about egg donation

Egg donation diminishes egg production 

Normally women produce more than one million eggs in their reproductive age. Among these, they release a few hundred during ovulation. During each egg donation process, 10 to 15 eggs are retrieved for fertilization. Therefore, the chances of depletion of the egg are negligible due to the egg donation process.

Every woman can donate their eggs

It is true every woman can donate their eggs, but certainly within her reproductive age. Age is a very crucial factor for egg donation. The quality of the egg becomes low with increasing age, which is more prominent after 35 years of female age. Most of the egg donation agencies strictly followed eligibility for an egg donor in-between age of 21 to 30 years.

Apart from the age factor, BMI (under 25), health condition, genetic disorder, and educational qualification of egg donors are also considerable factors.

Egg donation leads to infertility 

No research evidence supports donating eggs to bring infertility, though the risk of bleeding, infection, ovarian torsion may associate with egg donation.

No genetic connection between fetus-mother

The concept of a genetic link between parents and offspring is based on fertilization of male and female gametes. Therefore, it has a belief that no genetic link present between offspring and mothers in case of egg donation. But the epigenetic concept changes this conventional belief. Women who conceive using donor eggs can affect their children's genes.

Involves painful procedure

The egg donor has undergone sedation at the time of the egg retrieval process; therefore the process is completely painless. However, a medication used before egg retrieval can cause nausea, bloating, cramping, etc.

No limit of egg donation  

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine provides the maximum limit for egg donation. An egg donor can donate her eggs six times with an interval of two regular menstrual cycles.


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