Melbourne Australia Conference will be held on the 24th and 25th of May 2014. Many world class surrogacy experts will be attending the function to share their views and knowledge. The two day program will not just widen your thinking about surrogacy but you will also be able to interact with some proud and successful surrogate families.
On the first day, the program starts with an opening bell and then you will be hearing from experts on various topics which include the state law and the legal issues faced by families for surrogacy in Australia. You can also know about the solution and how you can make surrogacy arrangements.
Have you heard about surrogacy agency in the US? No, then you can know about them in the program. If you are opting for surrogacy in US then you will also know how these agencies help and the cost involved. Guy Ringler, a renowned reproductive physician will share case studies so that you have a better idea about the procedure that you need to follow for surrogacy in US.
Other topics covered on the first day are sourcing egg donors from Australia, surrogacy in sub-continents especially India, International egg donor choices, Indian and Thai surrogacy, gay and heterosexual surrogacy. You can also speak to parents and know about their journey. Some parents who are expecting multiple babies will also be taking part in the conference to share with you some routine and raising tips.
On Day 2 of the Melbourne Australia Conference you can know about all the hurdles and issues that parents have faced when opted for surrogacy. When there are hurdles then surely there must be a way to overcome them. Experts in the conference will also be sharing with you the solution for all those hurdles so that you can enjoy your life with your healthy and cheerful surrogate baby. Other topics covered on the 2nd day of the conference are: how surrogacy works for Australians in Thailand and Mexico. Why Indian surrogacy is popular and what is the legal age to enter into surrogacy and also what are the legal challenges that you will have to face.
Lawyer Andrea Wilson will also explain how the family can get their child’s birth certificate, born overseas in Australia. You can also know about the issues that may arise during migration and citizenship of overseas-born infants. The experts will share with you all the required tips to take care of the surrogate newborn.
Mr.Ravi Sharma from ARTbaby will talk about International Egg Donor Choices
What are the choices? Where do they come from? What motivates them? What information will I receive on them? Will some agree to later contact for my child’s sake? How do I arrange that? How much are they paid? How does this vary?