ArtBaby Egg Donor

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Baby in leaf, frozem embryo pic

Frozen embryos and embryo donation explained

Frozen embryo and embryo donation become a current trend to solve fertility issues. Embryos are the fertilized egg waiting for the possibility of life. There are lots of medical and environmental factors responsible for the barrier of the normal fertilization process. Couples who are facing this problem often opt In-vitro fertilization (IVF) or other assisted […]

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sperm preservation cost pic | Liquid nitrogen container

Sperm preservation and associated cost

Sperm can be preserved by cryopreservation or freezing of semen. Sperm banking provides the facility to preserve and store sperm for future use. The stored sperm in sperm banking can also use for sperm donation in the treatment of infertility.  Sperm baking agency conducted infection screening test for sperm donor before storing the donated sperm. […]

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Become surrogate | choosing a Surrogacy Agency

Things to consider before choosing a Surrogacy Agency in 2018

Before making the final decision of becoming a parent through surrogacy, it is better to know about some important things. The first and most important concern is to decide to continue the process in a nation where surrogacy is legal and you are getting the name of the kid immediately after the birth of the […]

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Surrogate mother (pregnant); Surrogacy success rate

Surrogacy success rate explained

Greeks, Romans, and Chinese ancient history already depicted the successful incorporation of surrogacy to settle the family for infertile couples. Therefore, the success story of surrogacy is not a new thing to discuss. But it is necessary to mention that the acceptance of surrogacy gradually increasing day by day in our modern society. Vast physiological […]

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Artificial Insemination introduction

What is Artificial Insemination?

Artificial insemination, a simple procedure of increasing the chances of pregnancy, is helpful for couples with infertility problems or who haven’t been able to get pregnant naturally. The process is simple as it starts with inserting sperm directly into a woman's cervix, fallopian tubes, or uterus. Intrauterine insemination or IUI is the most common method […]

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New born bay with smiling mother: img A Medical Advice: Parenthood at early days or after 40

A Medical Advice: Parenthood at early days or after 40

Age is always a considerable factor for being a parent. Significant physical and mental transition is started after family planning and it continues even after a childbirth. According to Dr. Tony Falconer, the president of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists suggestion the best age to conceive a baby is 20 to 35 years […]

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successful pregnancy with ICSI

Does ICSI Increase Chances of Pregnancy

For those who are dependent on IVF or other procedures of carrying a pregnancy, ICSI is the best alternative to increase the chances of pregnancy. ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is counted as equivalent to In-Vitro Fertilization. It starts with combining egg and sperms – collected from intended parents or partners to form an embryo. […]

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Egg banking for future

Egg Banking

Egg banking plays a vital role in infertility treatment. It helps to address the assisted reproductive technologies (ART), especially in the IVF process. Through egg banking facility, women can bank their eggs for future use and late conception. Previously, egg banking was only restricted for medical practices, but recently non-medical egg banking has also got […]

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Egg donation services by Caucasian donors - hand image

Egg donation services by Caucasian donors

Religious moral is one of the integrated part in Assistive Reproductive Technology (ART). It has found that the racial factor provides a critical impact in the egg donation services. A survey based research findings showed that among 95 egg donor profiles only 11 colored women were included in an egg donation service center. This study […]

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